Scottish Fire & Smoke Alarms Regulations
The law on fire alarms has changed which means all Scottish homes, whether owned or rented, will need to have interlinked smoke and heat alarms, installed by February 2022. Where there is a carbon-fuelled appliance, such as gas boilers, fires and heaters, then a Carbon Monoxide alarm is also required but although recommended, it is not required to be interlinked with other detectors.
How many alarms are required?
By February 2022 every home in Scotland must have the following alarms installed:
One smoke alarm – installed in each hallway or landing, on each floor
One smoke alarm – installed in the room most used where most time is spent living
One heat alarm – installed in each kitchen
One carbon monoxide alarm – installed in each room with a carbon-fuelled appliance, such as gas boilers, fires, heaters or flues.
All alarms should be ceiling mounted and interlinked. When one alarm is activated all alarms in the property will sound simultaneously to provide a synchronised warning throughout.
Carbon Monoxide alarms do not need to be interlinked with other detectors. However, it is recommended that this is done where it is possible to provide the greatest level of protection.
What alarms are suitable for this legislation?
The new law details specific requirements for the types of alarms you can use as not every alarm on the market is suitable to meet the new legislation. The following minimum requirements apply:
Power: All alarms must be either mains-powered or powered by a tamper-proof, sealed long-life lithium ion battery. Alarms powered by removable batteries are not compliant with the legislation.
Interlinking: All Smoke and Heat alarms must be interlinked to simultaneously provide a synchronised warning throughout. This is achieved either through a wired connection cable or via wireless radio connection. Stand-alone alarms which are not interlinked are not compliant with the legislation. Carbon monoxide alarms are not required to interlink with the Smoke and Heat alarms. However it is recommended that this is done where possible to offer the greatest level of protection.
All of our alarms comply and fully meet the required standards as follows:
Smoke Alarms: BS EN14604:2005
Heat Alarms: BS 5446-2:2003
Carbon Monoxide Alarms: British Kitemark EN 50291-1
Comprehensive Fire Protection By Scutum
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More Information:
For more information on the new Scottish Fire Alarm laws please see government guidance here.