Fire Suppression Extinguishing Systems
Scutum UK offers a comprehensive range of Fire Suppression Extinguishing systems and we have been protecting the buildings and staff of UK organisations for over 30 years. Our fire suppression systems include both gaseous and water based suppression using chemical or inert gas extinguishing as well as water mist. Systems are designed to mitigate fire risks in the most hazardous of locations with ATEX certified options for high hazard risks.
We have a dedicated in-house team of designers and a diverse supply chain, guaranteeing that we design and source the most complete and innovative fire suppression solution for your requirements. Our technicians are always on-hand and our local engineers are trained to work in the most demanding of environments. From our network of regional offices we have designed, installed and maintained systems at over 5000 sites across the UK.
Chemical & Inert Gas Fire Suppression
We offer a range of chemical gas, inert gas and gas foam fire suppression systems, suitable for use in any environment with ATEX certified options.
You can rest assured we have exactly the fire suppression product to meet your needs, extinguishing fire without damage or corrosion to sensitive equipment and leaving the atmosphere safe for life.

Chemical Gas Fire Suppression
Scutum’s chemical gas fire suppression systems, such as NOVEC 1230 and FM200 are environmentally friendly, odourless, colourless, non conductive and safe for life within occupied spaces.
Synthetic gas systems extinguish fire mainly by physical means, weakening and extinguishing by absorbing heat. FM200 gas is the fastest fire protection system available, reaching extinguishing levels in 10 seconds or less, preventing ordinary combustible, electrical and flammable liquid fires before they are able to cause significant damage.
The main advantage of chemical gas fire suppression is the small amount of agent required to suppress a fire. Fewer cylinders are required resulting in one of the smallest footprints compared to most other fire suppressants.
No residue is produced, avoiding costly clean up. Zero ozone depletion potential means that these gases do not deplete stratospheric ozone, have minimal impact on the environment and also have an extremely low global warming potential.

Inert Gas Fire Suppression
Scutum’s inert gas fire suppression systems, such as IG55 or IG541, are colourless, odourless, non corrosive and electrically non-conductive blends with a density approximately the same as that of air.
They are highly effective fire suppression systems with no risk to electronic equipment, property or life. Inert gas systems extinguish fire mainly through reducing oxygen concentrations within the fire risk to the point where combustion is impossible, however levels of oxygen remain sufficient to sustain human life.
Excellent visibility is maintained during discharge, allowing efficient evacuation of the risk. Composed of naturally occurring gases, these inert gasses have no negative effects on the ozone layer or global warming.
Ideal for the protection of data centres, archives, museums, laboratories and any other hazard including valuable or unique property and any other electrical installation that may present a fire hazard.

CO2 Gas Fire Suppression
Carbon dioxide (CO2) gas fire suppression agent is one of the oldest and most effective fire fighting solutions. It is a colourless, odourless and non-conductive gas capable of penetrating the risk area quickly and efficiently. A CO2 system suppresses fire by providing a blanket of heavy gas that absorbs heat from the fire and reduces the oxygen content of the atmosphere to a point where combustion becomes impossible. This agent is suitable for both local applications as well as total flooding applications and its density is approximately 50% greater than the density of air.
CO2 occurs naturally in the atmosphere and dissipates into the air, allowing an almost immediate return to “business as usual” without the interruption of a costly clean-up and the expense of damage to assets from suppressant residue. This results in fewer repair costs and reduced downtime. CO2 has been used effectively for many years, not only in fire protection, but also in other commercial applications. The agent becomes white on initial contact with the environment and clears over time, becoming invisible.

Water Mist Fire Suppression
Scutum’s water mist systems optimise the quantity of water used through the distribution of very small droplets, achieving maximum cooling effect. Spray heads discharge water mist at high pressure. The tiny drops create a large effective cooling surface area and the high speed of the droplets allows the mist to penetrate the hot fumes and reach the combustion area.
Once in contact with hot bodies and gases the droplets become a vapour, absorbing the heat and creating a smothering effect that protects any adjoining risks. If both the water vapour generated and temperature in the hazard is high enough, oxygen levels can fall drastically.

Condensed Aerosol
Condensed aerosol fire suppression systems contain the latest generation of suppression compounds, consisting mainly of potassium salts with non-pyrotechnic materials. Upon activation, the FPC transforms into a rapidly expanding, highly efficient and effective fire suppression condensed aerosol.
In contrast to the traditional fire extinguishing methods, the fire is extinguished predominately by interrupting the chemical chain reactions in the flame, without depleting oxygen. Compatible with conventional and addressable fire alarm systems.
We offer complete turnkey fire suppression and gas extinguishing solutions throughout the transportation, oil, gas and petrochemical industries, providing project specific hazard analysis and design and development of optimised solutions.
From Intrinsic to Flameproof electronic detection surveillance, Chemical and Inert gas to water mist suppression, Scutum UK delivers solutions utilising our ATEX and CompEX trained expertise.

Hypoxic Air Fire Suppression
Reducing the oxygen to a level safe for life while preventing combustion from occurring, is the basis of hypoxic fire-prevention systems.
Scutum UK’s hypoxic air systems provide 24 hour fire suppression, constantly regulating oxygen levels to around 14% automatically within a given fire risk. This maintains an oxygen level that is safe for human life but below the level at which an ignition could occur. Continuous operation guarantees that areas at risk are always safe. No high pressure cylinders are required or any gas discharge that would require pressure relief vents to be installed.

Room Integrity Testing
An integrity test predicts how long fire suppressant agents take to descend to a given level within the risk, without releasing the gas itself. A retention time of 10 minutes is the minimum period the suppressant agents are required to be retained for. Ten minutes is long enough for most deep-seated fires to be cooled so that re-ignition is unlikely.
All room integrity tests conform to the guidelines stated in BS5306 and NFPA2001. It is applicable to all sizes of enclosure and all types of extinguishing gases. Integrity tests should be carried out at least annually.
Aspirating Fire Detection
Scutum UK’s range of laser based very early warning aspirating fire detection solutions with continuous air sampling provide the earliest possible warning of an impending fire hazard.
These VESDA systems are recognised as the most advanced aspirating smoke detection systems available and hold more certifications than any other smoke detectors in the world. A VESDA system can be installed in any situation where a conventional smoke detector would be, but with far more flexibility.

Suitable For All Applications
We provide fire protection and security solutions to suit any environment or application. From the largest blue-chip companies to governmental bodies, hospitality to defence, healthcare to transportation, we are proud to protect some of the largest and most prestigious UK organisations.
Strong Partner & Manufacturer Network
We maintain strong partner relationships with leading manufacturers to ensure that our fire detection solutions are best-in-class, resilient, scalable, innovative and future proof.